The truth is valuable. It is precious. It can be painful but wouldn't we rather know it? I am surprised at how many people prefer to be told lies.

This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light and there is no darkness in Him at all. 1 John 1:5.

God is completely honest. He will always speak the truth whether we want to hear it or not. When we receive the truth we get direction that leads to peace. When we don't want to hear it we rationalise it away. We say we were mistaken. It wasn't God. Perhaps the other person was wrong. Why do we do this?

Truth leads to conviction and repentance. Sometimes we don't want to repent. We want to see justice done first.

But if we can receive His truth then we let Jesus in and His light shines all around us. He will never accuse you of something you haven't done. And He is always pursuing justice. Truth opens doors to let light in and closes doors on darkness. Embrace truth and it will grow within you. Exposure brings healing. Reject the truth and the lies become stronger, more comfortable, easier to believe.

Only God speaks perfect truth. However painful, ask Him to lead you in it. Ask Him to keep leading you through.