Posted by Esther Stewart on Monday, May 24, 2010
Obedience means doing what you're told. That doesn't sound very fun, or exciting, or original. But obedience has its place. Being obedient means you don't get into trouble. It gives you a measure of protection. That's why we obey right? To avoid punishment.
Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice." Luke 11:28.
God blesses those who obey Him. They don't just avoid trouble, God actively blesses them. Why? Because God loves obedience; true heart-felt obedience, not grudging or fearful obedience but obedience that comes from love.
A sure sign that your child loves, respects, and trusts you is whether they obey you willingly or not. A measure of our love, respect, and trust in God is whether we willingly obey Him. That is why God values obedience. He is not a tyrant who is pacified when we fulfill His commands. He is a loving friend and Father who values His children's hearts.
If you are struggling to obey God in any area, try to find out why. Perhaps your heart is not coming along with your decision to obey. Are you afraid of where God is leading you? Are you angry with Him over some connected issue? Do you harbour a wrong impression of Him? Ask God to reveal what prevents you from wanting to obey Him. This will bless Him. Above all He desires friendship with you. He is not a dictator, though He is all-powerful. He wants to do the journey with you, by your side.
Do you want to do the journey with Him? Obedience opens doors to more relationship and greater blessing. God blesses those who love Him. Your obedience is a measure of your love.
Jesus replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice." Luke 11:28.
God blesses those who obey Him. They don't just avoid trouble, God actively blesses them. Why? Because God loves obedience; true heart-felt obedience, not grudging or fearful obedience but obedience that comes from love.
A sure sign that your child loves, respects, and trusts you is whether they obey you willingly or not. A measure of our love, respect, and trust in God is whether we willingly obey Him. That is why God values obedience. He is not a tyrant who is pacified when we fulfill His commands. He is a loving friend and Father who values His children's hearts.
If you are struggling to obey God in any area, try to find out why. Perhaps your heart is not coming along with your decision to obey. Are you afraid of where God is leading you? Are you angry with Him over some connected issue? Do you harbour a wrong impression of Him? Ask God to reveal what prevents you from wanting to obey Him. This will bless Him. Above all He desires friendship with you. He is not a dictator, though He is all-powerful. He wants to do the journey with you, by your side.
Do you want to do the journey with Him? Obedience opens doors to more relationship and greater blessing. God blesses those who love Him. Your obedience is a measure of your love.
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