Have you ever found yourself repeating a common statement, and wondered why? There are heaps around: All men are liars; you get what you give; what goes around comes around; every cloud has a silver lining ...

These statements, and many like them, are not true. They may feel true, you may want them to be true, but they aren't. They are made up by people to explain situations that have baffled or hurt them. If you take hold of them as truisms and begin to apply them to your life you will be robbed of God's blessings and comfort.

"If you abide in my Word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:31,32

Jesus will always tell you the truth. Every situation is unique and God can explain it to you. He probably won't tell you all of it straight away because you may not be ready to receive it all. But He will always answer you with compassion and love. His truth will encourage and empower you.

Think of the statements above, do they encourage or discourage? When I read them I read defeat, judgement, and confusion. But God does not do that to me. When I read His Word (the Bible) I get hope, peace, encouragement, and love. Persist with God and reject the world's wisdom, no matter how true it feels. Keep reading your Bible, talk to, and pray with other Christians. God will tell you the truth, and it will set you free to live your life with hope, feeling loved, receiving God's blessings of encouragement and peace in every good and difficult place.