Life is a journey. Everyone understands that. But how does it look when you journey with God?

Don't take any money in your money belts - no gold, silver, or even copper coins. Don't carry a traveller's bag with a change of clothes, or even a walking stick. Don't hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve to be fed. Matt 10:9,10

When you journey with God, He will carry for you all that you need. You don't need to make the normal preparations that the world does. God has already gone before you. All you need to do is listen and obey Him.

You cannot pad yourself from the trials of life. They will come and at times you will feel hungry and tired and alone. Don't try to insure yourself, trust in Him.

Accept all that He provides with thanks - whether little or much, and know that if you have been blessed by Him, that you deserve to be fed. Let no one malign you for God's blessing. Each person's journey is their own, with God. And do not be discouraged if you seem to have less than someone else. The Enemy loves to draw our attention to our lack.

Only keep your heart centred on God because you must do the journey - whether hard or not. And with Jesus there will always be joy at the end and provisions in between. Trust Him.