Posted by Esther Stewart on Friday, June 24, 2011
Today I am fearful for no apparent reason. Little things are freaking me out. And what am I writing about today? Fear. Go figure.
"Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love." 1 John 4:18
One thing I have learned about fear is that it builds on itself. Let one fear in, and it tends to snow-ball. Stress breeds more stress. The only way I know to get out of the fear cycle is to sit down and ask God what started it. It might take a few days for Him to cut through the layers but He helps me find the starting point.
And it always has to do with my relationship with Him. That's what that verse means. If I understood God's perfect love I wouldn't be afraid of anything. I would know that He will protect, forgive, and persevere for me no matter what. But things happen sometimes that darken our experience or give us the wrong impression of God's love.
Today I am fearing retribution. It's a tricky one because in my head I know I haven't done anything wrong. But God has just revealed to me that I am fearful because I am blaming myself for an event that wasn't my fault. In my head I know I'm not guilty but my heart doesn't agree. Couldn't I have done something to prevent it? But God says it's not my fault. I have to choose to believe Him and accept His perfect judgement, His perfect love. He's not just being kind. God always tells the truth. So I choose to accept what He says about me.
I'm starting to feel better. Mountains are becoming mole hills again. I can be more rational, about everything.
Go to the God who loves you and find out the truth. He wants you to know perfect love. He won't make you afraid.
"Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love." 1 John 4:18
One thing I have learned about fear is that it builds on itself. Let one fear in, and it tends to snow-ball. Stress breeds more stress. The only way I know to get out of the fear cycle is to sit down and ask God what started it. It might take a few days for Him to cut through the layers but He helps me find the starting point.
And it always has to do with my relationship with Him. That's what that verse means. If I understood God's perfect love I wouldn't be afraid of anything. I would know that He will protect, forgive, and persevere for me no matter what. But things happen sometimes that darken our experience or give us the wrong impression of God's love.
Today I am fearing retribution. It's a tricky one because in my head I know I haven't done anything wrong. But God has just revealed to me that I am fearful because I am blaming myself for an event that wasn't my fault. In my head I know I'm not guilty but my heart doesn't agree. Couldn't I have done something to prevent it? But God says it's not my fault. I have to choose to believe Him and accept His perfect judgement, His perfect love. He's not just being kind. God always tells the truth. So I choose to accept what He says about me.
I'm starting to feel better. Mountains are becoming mole hills again. I can be more rational, about everything.
Go to the God who loves you and find out the truth. He wants you to know perfect love. He won't make you afraid.
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