I wouldn't say that I'm a cryer, but certain things set me off. I was watching a little boy in calipers at the school sports carnival take the starting line with the other kids his own age. The starters pistol went off and he ran with all he had but crossed the line half a field behind the others. The look on his face as he realised he was going to come dead last broke me up. I had to walk away or I would have stood there sobbing out loud.

'Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.' Psalm 30:5.

Crying is fine. It can be embarassing if it seems inappropriate but Jesus wept publicly at different times. I have a friend who cries easily. She doesn't like that about herself and tries to hide it but I think it's God's compassionate heart showing itself through her. It's beautiful. There's nothing as healing as crying with someone. It breaks down barriers and restores relationships. It gives you the confidence to go on.

When we try and stop crying it's because we are afraid. Afraid of embarassment, afraid of where it will lead, afraid if we start we won't stop, maybe. But God makes a promise that weeping will end. Joy will come. If you give your tears to God, cry in His presence, you can never be embarassed. He will never embarass you. He'll sit down and cry too, then He'll lead you out of it. He'll give you hope.

There's nothing wrong with crying unless it doesn't end. When you cry with Jesus, you'll know the difference. His tears carry compassion, hope, and love. They come to an end. The other kind of crying is despair, and it's a slippery slope. Don't give in to those tears and never cry alone. Take your misery to God and cry with Him. If you're not coming out of it, find some help. The Psalms are chronicles of crying but because they are directed to God they always end in hope. Let your tears be a blessing. The Psalms have blessed so many. Don't be ashamed of crying.